Monday 26 August 2019


Dear Colleagues

The latest issue of the West African Journal of Medicine Vol. 36, No. 2, May - August, 2019 is out! The printed copies are available at the West African Journal of Medicine (WAJM) office at 6, Taylor Drive, Edmund Crescent, Medical Compound, Yaba, Lagos.

The copies will also be made available at the various centers during the October 2019 West African College of Physicians & West African College of Surgeons Fellowship Examinations.
You can also access free abstract-text content of this issue through the following links;

·       Facebook:
·       Twitter:
·       Blog:
·       Google Plus:
·       Website:
The West African Journal of Medicine is indexed/abstracted in PubMed Central, EMBASE, Excerpta Medica, and African Index Medicus among others.

Corresponding authors will receive complementary copies of this edition. Below is the list of articles in this current edition.

We look forward to receiving your valuable submissions and thank you in advance for your contributions.

Prof. G. E. Erhabor

Friday 29 March 2019


Dear Colleagues,

Latest issue of the West African Journal of Medicine Vol. 36, No. 1, January - April, 2019 will be available soon! You may access free abstract-text content of this issue through the links below;


The West African Journal of Medicine is indexed/abstracted in PubMed Central, EMBASE, Excerpta Medica, African Journals on Line and African Index Medicus amongst others.
We are looking forward to receiving your valuable submissions and thank you in advance for your contributions.


For the past few weeks, I have been asked several questions regarding the West African Journal of Medicine. I will answer these questions successively below. I want to thank all our researchers and Fellows of the WACP and WACS for their continued interest in the Journal.

·         The WAJM did not publish for a long period of time. Will this situation reoccur?
No. We have totally revamped our system and our goal is to make sure we produce the journal consistently and promptly. Our existing structure is strategically constituted to achieve this.

·         Why is the acceptance rate low?
One of my major goals is to help upcoming researchers improve their writing skills. If an article is found unsuitable for the journal in its original form, we encourage and assist the author in improving his/her manuscript, for new submission. We also give authors all the reviewers' comments to further help improve their manuscripts.

·         Why does it take a long time to review and publish articles?
A few delays have been due to difficulties in finding suitable reviewers and we have experienced slow response from some of our reviewers, on occasion. We are working hard to address this issue in our subsequent editions. As much as possible, our reviewers are given between two to four weeks for review. As soon as the articles are submitted and found suitable for publishing, they are published promptly. Presently, we publish quarterly.

·         What are the publication and processing fees and why do we have to pay?
Our Journal is self-supporting. Funds generated by the Journal are used for payment of staff, printing of the Journal and other logistics. I am particularly grateful to the WACP and WACS for their support. The processing fee and the publication charges are used to process and publish the Journal quarterly. The processing fee is 50 dollars while the publication fee ranges between N45,000 to N50,000 naira based on the number of tables, figures, pie charts, histograms, etc. in the article. In order to allow the Journal to retain its standard, and considering all the logistics, we believe the current fees are adequate. Presently, we do not intend to increase the fees. However, there may be changes later depending on the economic situation.

·         Can I contact the Editor-in-Chief personally if I have issues regarding the Journal?
 I am willing to receive calls or mails concerning any clarification regarding the Journal at any time. This is particularly so, in this critical period, when efforts are geared towards revamping and sustaining the Journal.

·         Is WAJM a local, regional or international Journal?
The WAJM is an international Journal that covers all subspecialties in Medical Sciences and Surgery. All manuscripts are subjected to thorough peer-review process by eminent scholars. The Editors are chosen and rotated between the West African College of Physicians (WACP) and West African College of Surgeons (WACS). Although, it is an international journal, we encourage articles that are of particular relevance to Africa.

·         Must I be a Fellow of the West African College of Physicians or West African College of Surgeons to submit manuscripts?
Anyone can submit manuscripts as long as it is in line with the Journals missions and goals. We accept manuscripts from all fields of medicine, surgery, paediatrics, o b s t e t r i c s a n d g y n a e c o l o g y, histopathology, amongst several others. However, my goal is to encourage members of the College (WACP and WACS).

·         What kind of manuscript can I submit?
  1.         Original research articles
  2.          Reviews and meta-analysis
  3.          Brief communication and case reports
  4.          Medical education matters and issues
  5.          Conference and workshop reports/proceedings
  6.          Supplements
  7.          Editorials and commentaries
  8.          Correspondence (Letters)
  9.          Patient vignettes
  10.          Book Reviews
  11.          Association News
  12.          Medical and Health News
  13.          Miscellaneous (prose, poetry, sociopolitical issues with medical bias, etc.)

 ·         How do I submit manuscripts?
An electronic copy of the manuscript should be sent to the email address of the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Gregory E. Erhabor;, Other details on submission can be found in the Journal.

·         How can I support the Journal?
  1.             By submitting manuscripts and encouraging your colleagues to also submit manuscripts pertaining to all aspects of Medicine and Surgery.
  2.      By being part of the review process.
  3.      By subscribing to the Journal individually and through your institution.
  4.      By soliciting for adverts on the Journal which will help to fund the  journal in its present state.
  5.      By sending in useful suggestions on how we can move the Journal forward.

·         Do you receive adverts for the Journal?
WAJM is a good platform for advertising relevant health products because it is widely accessed by clinicians and researchers in Africa. In fact, advertising in WAJM is highly rewarding and encouraged.

 ·         How can I get the hard copy of the Journal?
You can contact the editorial assistant at the Editorial Office, 6 Taylor Drive, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria.

The details of the subscription fees can be found in any of the recent Journals or on request.
Finally, we are committed to increasing the impact factor of the Journal and making it one of the most prestigious journals in the world. 

Editor-in-Chief - West African Journal of Medicine (WAJM)
College of Health Sciences,
Department of Medicine,
Obafemi Awolowo
University Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife,
Osun State, Nigeria